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Clarification on how to use the N2003 templates.
Randy G - 1/10/2003  



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There has been a lot of confusion and anguish because the new N2003 templates don't "work" right. Read here for the complete explanation.

First of all, these templates are for N2003, not N2002. The car viewer you use right now is specifically designed to work "properly" when two conditions are met: 1) it knows the 3D parameters of the N2002 model, and 2) it is loaded with a texture that is mapped specifically to that model's 3D data. The new N2003 templates are mapped to a new 3D model (4 different ones to be exact). That's why it doesn't work.

Knowing this, some people still have expressed dismay as to why there isn't a new updated car viewer ready to paint with these new templates. For starters, the only reason those existing car viewers were made is because someone was able to extract the 3D model from the file in the game. How are those guys supposed to update the viewer when they don't even have access to the game yet? Magic? Guesswork? A little bird talks into their ear? Give these guys a break, they need something on hand to work with.

OK, so you're ready to wait for the game to come out. There's one final piece of business that hasn't been clarified for this version. In N4 and N2002, the game could only import 512x512 textures natively through the game's paintshop, higher resolutions had to be hacked in using WinMip. Actually, you "could" import a 1024 texture, but the game would resize it down to 512x512 (which defeated the purpose of doing the car originally in 1024x1024), and the resizing algorithm is pretty bad. The result did not look pretty, you were better off resizing it via PSP/Photoshop. But I digress, we still don't know if N2003 will be able to import 1024 textures without a problem, or if we will have to hack them in. I recommend you paint your cars in the 1024x1024 template, and then resize down to 512 if needed. That way you you will have a 1024 car in reserve should you want to go to that size, you won't have to repaint the car if you had originally done it in 512.

There WILL be a car viewer, these guys just have to extract the 3D model, and that can only happen till the game is in their possesion.

So just wait for the game to come out, THAT will be your car viewer initially. Even then, don't expect the car viewer to be updated immediately, these guys still have to crack 4 different 3D models (with no help or hints from Papy), then recode the viewer with all this new info. And if this work they have to do is still not fast enough for your convenience, just remember, how much have you paid for them to do this work?

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