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How to paint Hi Res cars and pitcrews for N4.
Randy G - 4/19/2002  

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I recently learned the method and would like to share it with you. You will need to have PapyBMP installed and know how to use it, in addition to knowing how to use PSP, Photoshop, etc. These instructions will be for N4, N2002 details will come in another installment.

First of all you will need a 1024x512 template. There have been some made by some of the other big painting sites, but they have not been released to the general public (and that includes me). So either you will need to create one at that resolution, or do the next best thing, which is doing a 'pixel resize' to 200% on any 512x256 template you have. Your finished car will end up being a hybrid, with normal resolution shading and Hi Res graphics. It's better than nothing.

Once you have finished your car, save it as a .bmp in your "/series/cup/" folder. Fire up PapyBMP, locate this file, and convert it to a .mip file. Now it's decision time. Which marque will the car be? If it's a Pontiac, rename this .mip file to card_pontiac.mip. For the other three makes, replace the 'pontiac' portion of the filename with your desired car make. For templates that are not one of these makes (BMW, etc), just choose any one of these.

Now start up N4. Go to Opponent Manager and create a new car. Fill out all of the info on the top right, name the file, etc. Choose the make you saved that .mip as. Now save the file. That's it! To verify you made the car correctly, select your car, and go into the Paint Shop. If it was made correctly, you will notice that you car texture looks all wrong in the painting area. Don't freak out, the Paint Shop was not coded to accept 1024x512 templates. But you will notice it looks fine in the car selection screen. You now have a High Resolution car to race with/against. Just be aware that you will not be able to do any touching up of the car in the Paint Shop, everything will have to be done in PSP/Photoshop/etc.

You can also have Hi Res pitcrews in N4. The same general method detailed above applies here as well. Go through the same steps, except your final .mip file will be named "pitman.mip". If done correctly, the pit crew will not look "correct" in the 3D view.

If you are doing both a Hi Res pitcrew and car, you will have to convert both to .mips and then create the new car, this will "import" the crew and car at the same time.

Now for N2002, I suspect this same method will be used. However, the current version of PapyBMP does not work with N2002, so until Nigel retools it, or the coder of the CupCar tool helps us out, we will have to wait on Hi Res cars for N2002. HOWEVER...., a painter named Sadler21 at the Sierra forum showed us a Hi Res car, so apparently someone has cracked the method. The day I find out the info, you guys will know.

N2002/Car Viewer tip: If you want to get a jump on playing with Hi Res cars for N2002, the Car Viewer will import 1024x1024 files with no problem. Ever wondered how HC_John gets those ultra sharp screenshots? Hi Res templates, baby!!!

And finally, here's a screenshot to show the difference in the pit crews in N4.

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