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Alex Santantonio - 9/13/2001  

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You missed.

That is one of the drawbacks of cowardice ; by being afraid to stand and face those one attacks, you tend to go way off target. You may smile, and even laugh out loud - you can, as you know no one can see you from where you are cowering. You may say that you did not miss...you struck your blow as you intended. Yes, you caused great pain and anguish - you took lives of people who likely didn't know you exist. I know that must really hurt your ego, too bad it isn't strong enough to overcome your cowardice. Great pain and suffering is being endured thanks to your little fanatics, too stupid to know that being willing to kill themselves for you is only a sign of the low intelligence prevalent among your kind, elevating you, the leader, to a positon of seeming quite intelligent by comparison. But, I repeat.

You missed.

No, you say? You did not miss? Yes, you did. You missed me.

Who am I? I am the mother-father-husband-wife-brother-sister-son-daughter-friend- and fellow citizen - of those whose lives you so senselessly wasted. I am the one who, even if not acquianted with any of them, still feels the loss of each and every one, and the pain and suffering of those who loved them. I am the US citizen fat cat, the guy who has sold his soul for the material things you so obviously desire. I am also the US citizen who responded in 1941 - in 1917 - in many decades gone by - when evil made so foolish a mistake as to arouse me. You have made this mistake. I will find you, never fear. And those like you. You will never be safe, nor will those who follow you. I did not want this, I did not go looking for it. Nor did the thousands whose deaths you are responsible for today.

No, I won't kill you. I do not want you dead. If you die, it will be by your own coward's hand, for I want you alive, that I may witness your reaction to what I have planned for you. You have much to atone for, you and those who follow you. In your blindness and your over confidence, you missed. You missed me.

And that was a mistake.


United States of America

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