History of The NASCAR Network

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The NASCAR Network was started in the beginning of 1997 shortly after the release of NASCAR 2. It is the colaberative effort of Alex Santantonio, Ty Byrd, and Alex Kozial to bring all of the best in the NASCAR Racing Simulations into a central site. With new NASCAR Sites popping up almost everyday, the amount of information is beginning to overwhelm the Internet NASCAR Racing fan. The NASCAR Network will bring all of the information The NASCAR Network is a fairly new site, but the ball started rolling toward the site in about December of 1995. I purchased NASCAR Racing when it was released, but after winning championship after championship, I was beginning to tire of the game. For Christmas of 1995 I recieved many gifts, two of which were ICR 2 and The NASCAR Cheats and Hints Manual. I immediatly went ot work with the manual, and soon had a whole new world of NASCAR opened to me. I went into the GSNC community on AOL, and downloaded several cars. With each new utility and car my interest was sparked and it soon ignited. I started to design my own cars, and post them on AOL. I then slowly learned how to create my own web page by teaching myself HTML. I figured why not create a web site and post my cars there instead of a third party board. My site was started as Alex's NASCAR Pit Shop on June 4, 1996. The site quickly grew into what is is today as I learned more about editing the game, and creating my own utilities and tracks. Now that NASCAR 2 is out I felt it only natural to take the site to its next level, and partner with other sites. This partnership brings The NASCAR Network into the NASCAR Sim fan's PC.